Workshop agenda
Collaborators from around the world gathered in St. Paul, MN USA from 10 to 15 July 2016. The first two days had a bit more formal organization, but the bulk of the meeting was dedicated to work time on ideas, publications, and analyses.
Day 0:
Global NutNet Advisory Team (GNAT) meeting.
Present: Peter Adler, Elizabeth Borer, Enrique Chaneton, Jennifer Firn, Stan Harpole (via Skype), Kim La Pierre, Eric Lind, Andrew MacDougall, & Eric Seabloom
Discussion topic highlights:
- Reflecting on 10 years of NutNet: what has worked
- “reward structure” for original and newly joining sites
- motivating paper writing by new/young researchers
- data availability within Network and publicly
- NutNet 1.0 beyond year 10
potential for scaling back sampling within existing treatments
temporal extension versus spatial extension
potential cessation experiment
Day 1:
Introduction by Elizabeth Borer
Recap of GNAT meeting, and proposal for motivating continuation of NutNet by Peter Adler
NutNet Science and Site update (lightning round) - List of presenters & slides
NutNet Data Update by Eric Lind
Day 2:
Small group work on manuscripts and data
NutNet discussion forum on Network communication, website revisions, and future NutNet data ideas
Day 3 - Day 5
Small group work on manuscripts and data
Keep an eye on the abstracts database (login required) as ideas are turned into papers, especially if you are interested in collaborating.