NutNet data is available via the NutNet Data Dropbox. To request access to the Dropbox or a specific dataset, please contact the network coordinator, Ingrid Slette (
If you are interested in using NutNet data for a research project/publication, please also read our guidelines for authorship.
Data Submission:
Please follow the directions for submitting data:
1. Be sure your data are collected using the standardized protocol
2. All data should be entered into the provided data sheet
3. Save data sheet with naming format: NutNet_"yoursite"_ year.xls (e.g., NutNet_burrawan_2008.xls)
4. Email data to the network coordinator. In your email please specify the UNITS of your biomass data (i.e. whether you have already multiplied x5 to get grams per meter squared)
Data Acknowledgement:
All papers / presentations:
This work was generated using data from the Nutrient Network ( experiment, funded at the site-scale by individual researchers. Coordination and data management have been supported by funding to E. Borer and E. Seabloom from the National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network (NSF-DEB-1042132) and Long Term Ecological Research (NSF-DEB-1234162 and NSF-DEB-1831944 to Cedar Creek LTER) programs, and the Institute on the Environment (DG-0001-13). We also thank the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute for hosting project data and the Institute on the Environment for hosting Network meetings. Soil analyses were supported, in part, by USDA-ARS grant 58-3098-7-007 to ETB.
Information on data use and paper writing as stated in the NutNet Guidelines for Participation:
3.2. Data use
3.2.1. Data will become available to network members once compiled by data managers at the University of Minnesota. Data will be made publically available on a 3-year moving window, although requests for access to newer data will generally be granted by the steering committee as long at there are no conflicts with ongoing papers or proposals.
3.2.2. Any participant is free to use NutNet data for publication purpose, following guidelines listed in Paper Writing section. Data should be recognized as follows:
"Data were made available through the Nutrient Network, a project funded by DEB-0741952 (E. Borer/E. Seabloom)"
3.2.3. Datause for presentations, courses and other non-published venues should cite the NutNetproject as above.
3.3. Paper Writing
3.3.1. By contributing data to NutNet according to data submission protocols, you willautomatically be included as a co-author on the 3 core papers (observational,fences, nutrients) if you stay actively engaged (following deadlines and rules fordata submission, providing appropriate contributing concepts, etc...) and incommunication with the lead author. If you find that you cannot meet these requirements, we kindly ask that you opt-out of co-authorship.
3.3.2. Authorship on further papers arising from NutNet data will be determined by lead author ona case-by-case basis. In general, we strongly favor being inclusive inauthorship for people who participate actively beyond simply collecting data(see 3.3.1).
3.3.3. If you wish to write a paper using NutNet site data, a working title and abstractshould be submitted to the NutNet website and posted on the NutNet listserv forgeneral review one month prior to manuscript preparation. Individuals or sites interested in participating in the proposed paper must contact the lead author directly. As previously stated, we strongly favor being inclusive in authorship.
3.3.4. If a manuscript is proposed and subsequently abandoned for > 6 months, other interested NutNet participants are encouraged to discuss with lead author about taking over the development of the manuscript.