From 14-18 July, 2014, thirty-seven representatives of the Nutrient Network from 5 continents gathered to discuss the latest analyses and future developments of the network.
Watch the introduction to the meeting and workshop overview by Elizabeth Borer, and University of Minnesota VP for research Brian Herman.
Watch the "lightning round" of papers in progress presented by attendees.
NutNet logo proposals:
- We viewed and reviewed proposals for a NutNet logo from UMn Institute on the Environment designer Anna Engelhoff.
Data reminders:
- Please quantify woody stem invasion if present at your NutNet site, using this protocol and datasheet.
- If possible when sampling, please record the precise latitude & longitude of your plots at the center post (on coordinate pair per plot). This will help facilitate remote sensing and other distance-based analyses.
Add-on projects:
- Plant microbial communities [Borer/Seabloom]: requests for collection of local plant material, as well as potential out-plant seeds, will be distributed before 2015 sampling.
- N mineralization, deposition, and decomposition [Risch/Schuetz/Eisenhauer/Ebeling/Harpole]: a "package" is being developed to deploy at sites beginning with 2015 sampling, to quantify N-cycling and soil fauna.
- Herbivore damage survey [Blumenthal]: pilot testing of protocol happening at subset of sites in 2014, proposed broader sampling effort in 2015.
- Interested in proposing an add-on? Develop an proposal following the instructions here.
Other Highlights included:
- watching the World Cup final with attendees from Argentina & Germany.
- making progress on at least 22 (!) different manuscript ideas and analyses.
- debating which climate variables to use, and how to acquire them.
- discussing Bayesian analysis for hierarchical data like that of NutNet.
- helping the Argentines feel better by letting them win the pick-up soccer game at Cedar Creek.