Thirty members (PIs, grad students and post-docs) from 19 institutions, representing 25 sites across 10 countries attended the workshop, including from newly established sites in Argentina, Ecuador, Florida, and Portugal.
The formal agenda was kept to a minimum but included:
- E. Borer presented “The state of the Network” and the state of Nutrient Network science. [ppt below]
- E. Lind summarized the state of the data including new datasets [pdf below]
- A science "lightning round" where PIs leading manuscripts could quickly summarize their progress and most recent findings [pdf below]
- The 2013 Nutrient Network Business Meeting [pdf] was held, covering topics from the NutNet self-survey results, to the latest on authorship, to possibilities for future NutNet experiments.
The focus of the workshop was on making progress on manuscripts including:
contingency in global invasions
nutrient effects on productivity and niche dimensionality
top-down bottom-up experimental results
compositional change (beta-diversity)
global grassland soil nutrient and structure profiles
stability and functionality
functional group responses to eutrophication
influence of grazing and agricultural site history
... and more!